Climate & Baby Killing Pill

Papal Power vs Papal Authority

Ecstasy & Family

Preaching to the Choir

No Rest For The Wicked

Bring ‘Em Back to Mass 1-15

Ordinary Time

Why Faith Matters

Purity of Heart & Meekness

Jesus’ Descent Into Hell

Kingdom of Grace 1-28

Help of the Saints

Holding Onto Convictions

Practicing the Faith

Surrender Planning

Prepare for Lent


Authentic Self

Befriending the Holy Spirit

The Great Betrayal

Light in the Darkness

Fullness of Pentecost

Dutch Clarity on Synod


Semiotic Subversion

Guardian Angels

Mercy from the Cross

Media Trickery

7 Teachings on Hell


Our Worship Problem

Basics of Love

Church Under Attack

Voodoo Smells

Human Respect or Freedom in Christ

Yes to UCT: No to DEI

Fasting: Unlearning Ourselves

Jesus, God’s Wisdom

Finding Our Real Identity

How The Spirit Works In Us

Abortion Regret & Healing

Fatherhood & Healthy Masculinity

Eternal Life

Saints Expel Demons

The Road of Merciful Love

Pope Purgatory Primer

When Love Isn’t Love

Forgive Or Live In Hell

Guard Your Heart


Right vs Rash Judgment

Medically Futile Pregnancies

Communion: Antidote to Shame

The Anger Within

Insults Rather Than Truth

The Need For The Mystical

The Lord’s Koan

Salt & Light

Chastity Produces Charity


Reject, Renounce, Rebuke

Life Hidden in Christ

Perfection vs Perfectionism

Read The Bible

The Mind of Christ

Saints Choose Us

True Freedom

Desiring the Beatific Vision

Andrew Brunson Persecuted for Jesus

The Fix

Love the Sinner

True God or My god

Peace Wounds Breath

Easter and Life’s Purpose

Reflections for Holy Week

Four Deaths


The Holy Eucharist

Hope of Lent

Jesus Transfigured, Man Transformed

Bow Low Before God

Demons & Jesus

Mentally Tormented by Demons

Fear Addiction

Satan’s 6 Messages & the 3 A’s

Humility & Peace

The Jesus Variant

Redemptive Suffering

Attending Sinful Weddings

Purposeless Church and the Nones

Dis-graceful Commentary on Politicized Communion

Adoption Not Abortion

Cordileone to His Students

The Devil’s Time Is Short & Gaslighting

The Necessity of Prayer

Human Dignity

Priest Praying for Himself

Begone, Satan

Misguided Compassion

Conscience & Vaccines

Understanding the Capital Sins

5 Ways To Make America Better: Start With Yourself

Invoke Only The Holy Spirit

A Third James

Sin & Grace: A Brief Reflection

Temptation: What It Is & How To Overcome It

Masterpiece of the Divine Artist

Is There A Moral Obligation to Be Vaccinated?

Spectrum of Diabolic Attacks

The War Over Judaeo – Christian Values

Anger Feeds the Demons

Power of the Sign of the Cross

Salvation in Jesus & His Church

Christ Victor, Mary, The Rosary

Apologetics in the Age of Cancel Culture

Led By Grace

I Had A Dream

Escaping Rival Kingdoms

Stand Firm

The USA in 2021

Liberal Litmus Test

The Uniqueness of the Catholic Mind

Shut Up and Listen

Suicide of a Culture


Mary and the Rosary

Fr. Rutler on Election

Crisis of Faith

Pastoral Guides

Good Catholic: Bad Catholic


Repairing The Foundations

The Soul of America

Savoring the Faith


Praise & Petition

3 Stages of Moral Degradation

Diognetus 2020

Integral Catholicism

Covid & The Finger of God

The Grindstone

Delusions of the Devil

Hope In God & Pray

Cure for Feminism

Qualities of Leaders

Initiatives and Bitterness

Devil Is Real: Jesus Is Stronger

Celibacy & Priesthood

Clerical Competence

Solidarity, Subsidiarity, Mercy

Being Perfected

Defining Down of Social Justice

Faith in Jesus Not in Elites

Fr. Murray on Celibacy

Satanism & Youth

Abadoning to God: Binging on Prayer

Holy Friendships

Homosexually Active Clerics & Psychological Illness

Unity in the Cross

We Are Not Alone

Religion of Feelings

Understanding Sin & Grace


Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus

Equation: Good Will – Wisdom = Evil


No Quick Fix for the Poor

Fathers and Faith

Mary Mother of God

Anger & Ire

New Civil War

Two Paths to Hell

Nutbags Judging Christians

God,The Nones, and Hell

Give Up My Soul to Belong to Sodom

Venerable Augustus Tolton

The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit Makes Us Like God

Solicitude vs Negligence

Jesus’ Peace Satisfies the Soul

Sojourner or Settler in the World

Cardinal Sarah on Benedict XVI

Mary in the Battle of Church vs Anti Church

Become A Saint!

Lay Clerics and Clerical Laity

Between Time & Eternity

Lost Prophecy, Lost Leaders

Catholic Church, Where Are You?

Dominus Est by Cardinal Sarah

Polish Bishops Reject LGBT Agenda

Abortion & Excommunication

Masculinity and the Liturgy

Catholic Women to Summit Bishops

St. Peter Damian on Sodomy

How Religious Orders Lose Fidelity

God’s Love Ends Abortion Fr. Stewart

Fullness in Jesus

Men & Integrity

Organization Men

God Loves Me!

Silencing Catholic Speech

Fr. Cantalamessa to U.S. Bishops

Rise of Islam & Homosexuality

Anatomy of Doubt

Homosexual Indulgence in the Priesthood

Fr. Schall on Perversion of Social Justice

Fr. Schall on Retribution

Dangerous Modernism & Modernists

When the Priest Turns Atheist

No More Cant

Clericalism Father Pastor

Reality and Reaction to the Crisis

AH/HA Bishops Affirm Sin, Deny Jesus’ Salvation

Contributing or Controlling the Magisterium

Will Bishops Defend Faithful Priests?

Confused Concept of Human Dignity

Arroyo, Royal, Murray on Capital Punishment & Sex Abuse

Michael Brown: Why Millenials Are Attracted to Socialism

Why I Am Catholic

Spiritual Consolation & Desolation

Frequent Confession & Communion

There Will Be Scandal

Understanding Our Secular Era

Faithful Catholics Being Pushed Out


Curiosity vs Studiosity


Teaching on Male Only Priesthood Definitive

Plea for Truth from Young Catholic Father

Fresh Look at Immigration, Islam, and Nostrae Aetate

Jesus God’s Response to Evil

Prayer by St. John Chrysostom

How the Spirit Works at Different Times

Converts from Islam Plea to Pope

Dealing with Festering Anger

Christmas 2017

To Know God One Must Know Scripture

Cardinal Burke on the Rule of Faith

Sister Faustina Against Demons

Fr. Gerald Murry on Bad Interpretations of Amoris Laetitia

Homophobia & Islamophobia:No Such Thing

Voris No Homophobia

Conscience and Truth

On the Occasion of the Mass to celebrate Always Our Children

Understanding Homosexuality

Bishop Olmsted on Amoris Laetitia Dr. Peters on Heresy

Mercy Talk

Praises of God

Prayer Categories

How to Pray the Rosary

Do Christians & Muslims Worship the Same God?

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?

He Who Controls the Language Controls the Argument

Use Catholic Vocabulary

Müeller on Gay

Truth Needs Clear Language

Homosexual No more